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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, in suspendisse odio arcu morbi est ut, tellus velit risus cum viverra libero, tincidunt ultrices libero quasi est sem aliquam, a purus orci feugiat duis. Mauris imperdiet sed ac dui mi vitae. Ridiculus eu vehicula euismod ut, est non eget nisl

Slider Development by HarrisWeb

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The HarrisWeb Simple Responsive Slider is just as it states, a very light-weight, less than 250 lines including documentation, slider with many options. It is also responsive if you set the width using a percent.

  1. width in percent or pixels
  2. height in pixels
  3. show or hide the following:
  4. choose to cover slide with image or contain whole image within the slide body
  5. choose the position of the slide image within the slide body top, bottom, center, left, right, center
  6. choose to auto-start or not
  7. choose fade-in and fade-out speeds
  8. choose auto-start time between slides